Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kajabi and the death of email marketing.

Written by George Manty · October 14, 2010

There are two really interesting started happening right now that I wanted to speak.

First Kajabi just started and you can check it out here: affiliate link)

It should be interesting for you if you want to launch a membership site.It could be overkill for you, especially if you are not in video marketing (which should be you).

Next, the "death of e-Mail Marketing" is really interesting to read.I will be for the program registration because it fits well with my current business plans.Click here to download the book.(my affiliate link)It's written by Scott Boulch the the original "death of" ebook "The Death Of Adsense" wrote.

So when you start a membership site with mainly video marketing are interested Kajabi check out .If you find out what may interest the technique replaced email marketing in which are not also then look future in the death of e-Mail marketing.

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Tips to the effectively use an offshore Virtual Assistant

This is a guest post by Nitin Aggarwal.

To have a virtual assistant your working life make more efficient, by secular but important daily tasks to liberate and leave focus, with the large and important work on set.However, it happens the perfect candidate for your virtual assistant on the other side of the world to •devices 9 AM your time is 12 AM in your part of the Welt.Daher how both effectively collaborate?

Here some tips above all ready for first-timer, to effectively use your new virtual assistants.

First we recommend that all communication you meaning keeping instructions as simple as possible, and that information, concise and logical delivered.Point A to B point reached C instead of many more page travel in an effort to the thing inside erklären.Wenn more detail to complete the task requires, contain no further explanation. In addition to that effective it also saves time, if your virtual assistant of a 1,000 page book instead of a summary, it also time food is a page reads what it less efficient.

Although it may seem overly redundant, confirm always understood a task you have mapped statements. Also, always take or provide a provisional timeline as to when you expect delivery.

Most Virtual Assistant businesses have project management system for all your communication with your virtual assistant.We recommend the use of ClockingIt. However, if you work with a single freelancers, then recommend we set up a private area like a forum on your site as a means of communication. Google's threaded email format seems much besser.versuchen forums are to work, but in our experience so well you to use forum software, e-Mail integration.This helps you clear communications, including what is to do, materials, had a specific task and when completed sein.Allem with your own private Web space can a task you all keep your associated files in one place. In addition is a private Board also let these questions and provide timely progress reports.

We recommend using chat programs like Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger and Skype, to keep in the loop on an hourly basis if necessary.A great advantage is that IN the usually much faster e-Mail is based communication.

Must also provide alternate ways to stay in contact if the Internet is much less VoIP is not possible down from either end and e-Mail, booking, and chat.We suggest that your voicemail number and let you know that it be used if you are unavailable.

When dealing with new tasks should also to its ability to handle, while a million other things as well really do sein.Virtuelle Wizard usually experts of multi-tasking, including adding new skills to your repertoire only, as long as it is in your area of expertise.For example, a virtual assistant who probably know an expert at word enough about PowerPoint presentation together but expect that to program in JavaScript overnight.

Finally is like in the real world, virtual assistants become error machen.Probleme between you and your new virtual assistant be auftreten.Ehrlich, but also understanding be loosing criticism rather than your temper when handing off negative Feedback.Konstruktiver and go overboard go a long way in not only problems resolve but in your future work report glätten.Identifizieren you any communication problems could then led the problem be absolutely clear on what you expect in the future.

Realistic expectations about your virtual assistant, you have to a trial and error period at the beginning you break in established and regularly and clear these tips to kommunizieren.Befolgen and before you know it, you will while as ever without questions seeking more time, to lead your company help survived.

Nitin is founder of offshore ally - a virtual assistant and call center Unternehmen.In of his spare time is he in his blogging outsourcing tips blog-where he offers the view from the other end of outsourcing.

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10 Takeaways from day 1 of the BlogWorld Expo 2010

Posted by Sherry Shaffer · October 14, 2010

Good evening from the first day in Las Vegas!

How my own blog is still pretty young, thought I have today, I would the ProBlogger track and sit on the four connected sessions by Darren Rowe and Chris Garrett.Covered creating killer content, readers, community and monetization to finden.Im why everything you must know a successful blog %s.keeping is a good deal of rave reviews about these guys, and now I know why.

Without going into the deep information and trying several hours worth of new material I thought that I would give you my 10 biggest takeaways from the sessions.

1. Make every post count echo Garrett of morning keynote speaker, Scott Stratten, when he stressed that if you have nothing to say, try not to force filler meaningless on people. Remind your readers your last post;Killer can their earlier stuff, but if that last post was not good, you can not come back.

2. Knowledge your audience-if you don't know who to write, find out.Take a look around, he started his photography blog some of Forschung.Wenn, Rowe sat down and wrote BIOS for three kinds of readers that he expects that to get, then wrote for you.It changed over the years so he BIOS tweaked and writes still with you in mind.

3.Don't write for SEO, write for people - nobody is going to your stuff to read, just because there are a lot of keywords in it.Not popular searches to find and write around you.Do you have a good post, you can perhaps use it to refine and work some keywords, but keep in mind, it must be interesting and easy to read.

4. Rising you your blog - if you want to read people and to reading online your blog where you hang out and interagieren.Kommentieren on other blogs, use social media, maybe a guest blog little.

5. Enter you back to your reader - if someone has made a comment on your blog, answer back. confirm your readers check out your blogs and recommend to the other.We thank you for your participation.Can a powerful tool and it is only polite, damn it.

6. Invite interaction-set little challenges for your readers questions, opinions, questions for your tips and Ratschläge.Mit in other words, one community build.

7. Start small with advertising-haben a little blog? little advertisers to finden.Team with bloggers in your niche who offer a new provider a package deal, then grew as your audience.

8. Monetize gradually not be stingy - a really helpful eBook give away.(Yes, don't hold back all the good things.)You have to know you are not blowing smoke, have really valuable information.)If you people like it for a low cost product gehen.Arbeiten you your way to this large consulting contract, service or product.

9 Trust is key people only business with whom do you trust. don't lie, don't overdo it, are up front and direkt.Seien you no jerk (this was stressed quite a bit today, several different words use synonym.)

And the biggest takeaway for me today:

10.Don't give up - create a good blog needs Zeit.Mit exceptions most blogs overnight success gewinnen.Rowe's first blog took a year and a half to really a good readership and start, is to build a lot of bloggers out there; it can a readership hard, money to verdienen.Es, when so many people trying same really can sein.Aber if you keep and have good, valuable content, have a successful blog.

There are two more days of the Expo, if something like today, I'm definitely getting my money there Wert.Bis blogging!

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Starting a website? Things to note.

Written by Jill Manty · October 7, 2010

I have many readers can make big money online of the technical chops to your own Web site to create. But what if you do not? What happens when you have to rent, SIP, a Web Designer?Here are a few things check wollen.Sie need some decisions about your domain hosting and hire a website designer.

When a domain you are, there are a few statements go can. can a domain, the brand of your company to appeal to search engines or sometimes can combine the two. George wrote a pretty extensive article on selecting a domain some time ago, and there is not much I can add what he said.

Here is one thing, however, in his original article was not included.Choosing an extension domains opt for a top level domain versus .info, if available is while most people for domain names you type in a .com extension look it, quite successfully with a .net or .org extension can be. It is not uncommon for website owners to buy multiple versions of their domain names with different extensions. If multiple extensions are available, should you keep competitors later to buy from you and benefit from your success to buy.

No matter which domain you select it by your own hosting servers gehostet.Dies contributes to repeat.Use your own hosting. Preferably paid hosting on a friend's server in his mom's basement. Think are money save by going this route, but in the long term potential headaches are not value to save the less than $100 per year, you're going.

"Some people try a different"endorse"route for hosting." The free website builder hosting offering "Free". Typically, this means that you will have your own domain name.For example, if you were with, it would be here. This domain name is not professional look and it is too hard to remember .If (plus you someone are advertising undertaking, each time you promote your site) for your potential customers looking to save money, use the free domain name registration offering some Web hosting packages.

If you are looking for great, recommend reliable hosting at a reasonable price, we always HostGator.Yes, thats an Affiliate Link.Im years have we had our websites hosted by various companies. HostGator is our favorite by far.

A further note on domains - ensure that your domain name on your behalf, not in your site-designer's name in the name of your hosting company is registered. Even if your hosting company offers register your domain for you, make sure you are listed as technical contact. Maybe you want to register if you are treated any doubts about how to register even if means to pass on a "free" offer. If you ever want to change hosts or designer, you will be glad that you spent ten minutes and $20, vs the effort and the potential costs will reclaim attempting a domain if it was registered in your name not.

Finally, if you're not comfortable, need a website designer to find of course we are designing your site partially MantyWeb designs, but whatever you choose, make sure you ask to see some examples of the Designer work.Might want to find, some websites you like and see who is the designer of the site.

Speak jemand.In of fact with the company before, talk to you a few times.Make sure that you explain things in a way you understand that you are probably talking with you and you feel return messages in a timely manner.If you have an idea of the technical requirements of your site (as you know you want a blog), make sure that the company has experience with this kind of site.Different areas of expertise have different designers.Just because a company really pretty makes websites does not mean that you want to design your e-commerce site.

While trying to instantly with the cheapest designer can go nicht.stellen sure choose someone who completed the project in a timely manner and who will not disappear before the project completed Island.all happens all the time! having to with a new designer start your time and money simply wasted.

So those are the basics,. Select a good domain, hosting, choose which satisfy the requirements of your site and find a website designer, you work with genießen.Nun, I would like to hear from you unten.Haben by the Web design process gone? how were your experiences? additional tips?

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Go to the blog world?

Written by Jill Manty · October 12, 2010

Yeah, me neither.We hope to make it next year but this year we have the next best Sache.Wir have a guest blogger as a blog world correspondent.

We are pleased that Sherry Shaffer, the fresh start at forty, blog world this week in Las Vegas participate running.make will post with great information here, what are the rest of us verpassen.So make sure check - in to get your blog world update.

So, without further ADO - meet Sherry!

Sherry ShafferI'm Sherry Shaffer, author, Blogger and social media Geek.Mein man and I went through financial upheaval and links Memphis, TN for Pittsburgh, PA to fresh in my brother-in-law's attic to start I am not tweeting and posting for my work, copy writing or trying a new novel, I record our (hopefully) triumphant rise from the ashes on my blog,'m excited make his guest blogging for can I big money online from BlogWorld new media Expo and look forward to dishing about all the great information and innovative concepts.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why I not really'm A blogger

Someone recently commented on a post that his was not topic "only for bloggers".The result was that I had booked the information only on blogger, if in fact I can not hatte.Ich only notice that the commenter thinks of me as a blogger, and by extension, assumes that what I write about "for bloggers" is.

Unless expressly said that a post office "for bloggers", you can expect is for anyone who is involved in the implementation of online business.

I blog, Yes. I think that automatically entitles me to wear the BLOGGER hat, but I much wear more hats.My biggest hat, we call it my Sombrero, (because they tend rather large hats), is that ONLINE ENTREPRENEUR.Ich think the a beautiful all-round comprehensive title is. Some conditions may SOLO ENTREPRENEUR (though, that doesn't mean an online business) or INTERNET MARKETER. When I talk about online business ventures, I often just there to shorten and call it EBUSINESS.

I'm pretty sure that by "You do what the hundreds of times I was asked", I never once said, "I'm a blogger".Is not simply, as denken.Blogging me I is only a piece of a whole online business cake for me. And honestly, if I think blogging I think of WordPress, and I, think of WordPress, I think the CMS, and I think of CMS I think which uses only a tool to create content.

I agree that blogging is tending to more casual cumbersome, and more time and sensitive as Evergreen - but that's just how it is used most frequently.Blogging can cumbersome and it can Evergreen if it so chooses to make it.

Why I feel the need to explain this at all?Because I restrictions on me or even place someone wollen.Mein aims in my work to be not a blogger.My goal is to earn a living online.I can that lives in many ways, but the basics are:

Create good content.Monetize that content in any way.

Of course there are many details, the links of this process, but the broad aspects.Achieved in many ways can and blogging is just one way.

I confine myself, not to achieve my goals with only a Methode.Wenn only works a method, which is great, but I want not only share information only targeted to people, that a method like verwenden.Ich reach someone trying to make a living online whether you choose to do so about blogging or otherwise have nothing against Blogging.Ich etwas.Ich I love love Blogging.Aber all the hats that I wear and blogger alert is not even close is the largest of the group.

So please do not read my posts, who think that only on Blogger section.this addressed unless the post that says, then probably it is targeting anyone who uses each method of a living online.

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What I learned about Twitter

Written by Jill Manty · September 7, 2010

So, I am working on FourSquare, etc. BUT I have become active on Twitter. Today is day 15.I 7 followers on nearly 300 gegangen.Hier is what I've learned.

1. Twitter may not be declared.

You really have to learn by doing. I saw at George's Twitter account, I don't even know how many times and thought "I don't get it". Now, I'm on Twitter and I get it. I think it is my ability to focus-for more than 45 seconds each time when I log on, but at least now I understand. So, if you set since "do Twitter", dont get because you it, just go ahead and diving. There is no Twitter police.No one is screaming to do it wrong.Sign up to get an account and follow me zu.Dann give me a shout and I'll follow you zurück.Das is the hard part. From there, it will be easier.

2. There are people I follow, won't.

People have no tweets haben.Menschen write each Tweet in languages other than English (no bias here, I just can not follow if I can not read what you're saying) .Menschen regularly use language which will be a problem when my children read my Twitter stream over my shoulder, though you not supposed to do, because it is rude. If I'm going to consider, decide whether you follow your site and it looks like the script a Quentin Tarantino Movie, I'll probably not, to follow you. People who described themselves as "Visionary" - no real reason. It bugs me only.

(3) A quick way I use to determine who I am to follow.

When someone follows me, and I say an email get that someone new follows me, I'm going to your profile and scan your tweet stream. If I offended at the bottom of the page, and I'm not, it is a good sign. But if I get to the bottom of the page and don't see, one thing that I would be interested in retweeting this is a bad sign.So, this is a lesson that you can use to help you determine who to follow is also a lesson in someone who others want to follow - will be interesting.Or people who are at least retweet.

4. HootSuite is my friend.

HootSuite has been very helpful in the position to scan, what happens to my Twitter account.There are a few things which I do not really me for care.And I really need to do a bit more diving.But overall it is a necessary tool for me with Twitter to be successful.

So, this is es.Das is what I learned habe.Zum largest Teil.Jeder of you there to Twitter new? fight with Twitter? do you Twitter have questions? how we noticed I am no Experte.Aber if you leave a question in the comments, will I do my best to answer to finden.Und the main question - have followed me yet?:-)

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Confessions of a late users of social media

Written by Jill Manty · August 22, 2010

I have a secret. For someone who writes a lot about social media, I am not usually an early adopter. I don't know whether this is because I really had no natural fit such as mobile phones, to platforms such as Twitter and FourSquare. Or because I am addicted to technologies, so I'm trying to avoid so no more time out of my day long as possible, so that you suck.But the truth is George pursued me for about a year to Facebook join.(And I am not even to mention how long it took for me to "get blogging".)

I did not want to. It was lame. I didn't need it. Why should I? Then I came about 18 months ago.As life I ever without Facebook? and now I think a monumental Miss from undertaking without a Facebook page is! Want to exclude Google to you from the search results?

I use a lot not yet Twitter.Oh, I feed sure our Facebook page, to it, but I leave most of the interaction to George.Allerdings probably coming to an end at some point in the next few months. As soon as I a firm grip on linked in and I need that four square - for specific clients. But Twitter of the next.

So, why I say all this? because I want you know it's not too late. If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, it's okay. You missed the social-media parade. In fact it is really only started.

For companies it isn't often that beneficial to be an "early adopter".The best time for companies to adopt a technology is around it's peak.It remains training generally easier (and cheaper) at this time.Your customers and potential customers already informed about technology, so you don't have to convince that you want to "like you on Facebook," should you.And there are many people who are already knowledgeable, where sections of the social media can outsource you don't like or have not time to keep up with.

So if you was avoided social media have, some still need tun.Es is very simple and very effective uses of Facebook, Twitter, blogging, linked in and more that will help you make online money and won't keep your company actually ausgeführt.Ich will werden.Also introduced some simple tips and tricks in the coming weeks and months, make sure back often to überprüfen.Aber for now, go sign up for Facebook and Twitter - and take in LinkedIn, while you're at it sind.Lassen a note below below, if you signed up recently, or if you have not yet and let me know what was / is holding back.

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Piggyback traffic on holidays and special occasions

We have entered the last quarter of the year again, and that means it's time to holiday and special event use traffic.Of course, this same strategy can be used in the course of the year, but the impact you for most people between October and December increases. How can on these special searches piggyback, everyone is now perform?

The first what I would do a search on your own site for a word holiday related words is run that you used in your content you can start with the obvious: Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas .If you your own search form on website who can only go to Google and search for:

Halloween site:

The Google search give you a list with all your pages, the word "Halloween" in you. Select one or two of the strongest sides and a little advertising for you to do. Some social love you throw a link or two to get you and do some general marketing for you which goes beyond what would normally do for a page of content. While you do this, of course, you will try to bind the holiday or special event in your niche in any way.This can be as simple as getting a link with the anchor text "my niche of loves Halloween" sein.Beispiel? Let's say your niche is golf. If you some promotion one your golf-related content pages, the Halloween mentioned actions, it might promote the words "Golfers Love Halloween". Have not you to do much to come up with, that tie, you have?

The key here is access new traffic that could not otherwise get.People do special searches in this time of year and phrases you are including the holiday and special event.There is much less competition for the longer tail phrases, your niche and holidays included, to become one of the few who dare to compete for it.If you already have some content that uses the phrase (and most likely do even if only everyone a Merry Christmas wanted last year), then most of the work is already done.You need a little extra work to do it a little more attention that there is a better chance of ranking.

If you've never written content that contains some special holiday formulation, now is the time, some to erstellen.Das takes a little more work, but it also allows you, no need to adjust more kreativ.Du, what you already written can go now use in any direction! let us some examples of our fictitious niche Golf.Erstellen content on refers:

Halloween costume ideas for golfers
Haunted hotels in close to or above place golf courses
Use a Turkey machines ensure, Miss not tee off time.
Wife lonely Christmas gift ideas for the golfer's.
Place Christmas wallpaper on your golfing hubby's computer so he remembers shop!

If you have followed me over the years, you know that I love, to creative.I have even a whole Creativity exercises category here if you don't believe me.My point in all of these contributions, so that your thoughts to expand you to process.Restrict nicht.finden connections that inspire create new content or use creative content of the old more search traffic anziehen.Diese kind the idea on expanded, but this should be enough loszulegen.Dieser thread of creative thinking and follow es.Lassen you it to more and more ideas lead. run with it, and capture your share of the traffic that's Buzz at this time of year.

Make sure that once you successfully from the holiday search traffic, piggyback have, you know something in store for your new visitors appreciate hast.Wenn on your page, make sure you with something useful to schlagen.Machen go count to messages.If at all possible to konvertieren.Nun,! this three months gegangen.Verpassen won't you very soon.

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BlogWorld Expo day 3: the bad news (includes the answer!)

Posted by Sherry Shaffer · October 20, 2010

As so often with large conferences, on the third day the BlogWorld Expo was slower. This was partly because I wanted to thoroughly go through the exhibition ground, but mainly because I was quite tired. I visited more niche type not interesting for all meetings;in particular "manage blog groups" and the "Science of social media marketing."The morning keynote was well attended despite the late at night, many of the participants celebrate and for good reason.

"7 Hard realities of blogging for bucks" was a pretty open format round table with Darren Rowse of ProBlogger, Brian Clark of Copyblogger and Sonia Simone Copyblogger / remarkable communication. While it outlines the harsh realities, more on the solutions to these problems focuses you. It is difficult to distill your message down and I'm sure others have tried the same thing out there, but I'm going to give it a try:

1. Free is not a business model you can earn money if you give it all have to give away a lot of good content, people way but you to win your premium content or your products. The balance, can be hard, but the Panel found that the more away you confidence that your premium content/products actually be worth the more people are.

2. Choose Internet cash machine is on the Fritz - with few exceptions, you quickly get money as a blogger. Like most worthy ventures, it takes time and effort to build something that will bring in an income. Many bloggers treat it as a sideline.Don't expect to make a six figure income overnight, and'll probably be fine.

3. Can speak to everyone - it's easy to get caught up in trying to grow your blog so quickly lose sight of the real connections.Their advice was real about how many meaningful connections you can make in a day. The keyword is "meaningful".Strecken too much too fast and you will be lost in the shuffle.

4. No one wants that much authenticity - Don 't are, but don' t get too personal. You don't have all of your life to teilen.Haben you some borders; You do not want to crawl or someone of the hole.

5. Social media hates sell – but have content to verkaufen.Ihr "Marketing" is to love .Menschen share content, so let your awesome write sell itself. Consider your readers offer something valuable, you not only one deal pitching.

6.A blog is no business many bloggers out there have no intention of making money.You can a blog with no business plan and be perfectly happy with it.But if you want to make money, you need a business plan.Treat your blog as a business where you go and be ready to grow with the company plan.

7. No one is reading your blog - it may be several reasons that no one reads your stuff.
You don't have something talk a.Maybe which you care about.If your niche too dark, it's only may not be much audience for your Gegenstand.Oder maybe talk about just one aspect of the subject and need to expand your horizons.
b.You still not been giving, it at the Zeit.Es takes time a readership to bauen.Die most bloggers start with your friends and family who took your blog on lesen.Darren Rowse there where it had a good readership almost two years to his photography blog to get the place and began money of verdienen.Teil of this is, that you spend at any time to speak in a different way, can spread like a strong social media presence.
C.You have a good theme, but not frisch.Es are new blogs come every day, and the hot topics get behandelt.Wenn first present a new way, a popular topic can find have half the gewonnen.Aber, if you copy you what everyone else do battle, she could be sentenced to the obscurity.

I've learned, a ton of this very knowledgable Panel.Ich hope get a somewhat from my summary.
Thanks for reading,
Starting from forty fresh

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I was not planning to move to Philadelphia,

Browse > home / blogging / not, that I had planned to move to Philadelphia, somehow

Written by Jill Manty · August 27, 2010

Have you seen the News Philadelphia would a business fee for bloggers in the city of brotherly love? It's a nice summary of the online discussion it over on WordStream. I guess my only question is - do home against all companies this "fee"?Mary Kay repetitions, babysitter, who has to pay? if you are charging the 16 year old who mows your lawn, then I guess blogger numbers should.If not, what exactly to bloggers in particular targeting led?

What do you think? at what point does a blog become a business and have paid the required fees?

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Automatic direct messages or not?

Written by Jill Manty · October 21, 2010

Have you noticed that sometimes when you follow someone on Twitter, you get back a direct message?As you may know, many of which are automatically generiert.Wie with many things in the social media world, there are different opinions on this practice.

Some say that you should definitely use, an automatically generated "thank you for following message" but, that you exactly the message as you write carefully his müssen.Andere claim that this is a step away from spam. Personally, I'm not sure.

On the one hand, when I received this direct messages you really (except those) bothers me obviously trying to follow me on Facebook or buy your product to rekrutieren.Auf of the other hand, I pretty much ignore. Not make me feel warm and fuzzy or recognised or anything. I just think "oh look, an autogenerated direct message".

At this point I don't use a direct response message.But I wonder if I should.What do you think? are you disturbed by Auto dm news? impressed by you? you would rather get an automatic response no response at all? I'd love your thoughts below.

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Raven tools review

Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 8776

I've been hearing tons of great things about Raven internet marketing tools the last few months, so I finally decided to run their free trial and see why everyone what so crazy about it.So first, what do these tools do?

Raven tools let you research, gather, organize, manage, track, report, and analyze most of the internet marketing tasks you probably already implement (or should implement).Some examples include:

Research and manage keywordsGather, analyze, and competitive analysis link building research and managementManage SEO and social media manage campaignsContent and blog managementMonitor social media engagementCheck organic search engine rankingsReport on site analytics and performance

So, after running the tools through their paces for about a week, I've decided that it's well worth the fee as long as you're committed to actually using the information.See, that's the thing about tools. No. matter how great they may be, at some point, it's up to you to take action on what you discover. If you're just itching to have information at your fingertips that will help you determine what your next step should be to market your site, then Raven tools is a fantastic choice. It gives you tons of information and makes daily tasks easy to organize and manage.

There's no doubt in my mind that any marketing agency should check these tools out.It's ideal for agency work. It may be a bit of overkill for many bloggers or site owners who only manage a couple of their own sites, but even for that group of folks, it's worth at least checking out the free trial.At only $19 / month for the basic plan (which lets you manage 3 sites), it's affordable for many bloggers. (Yes, there what to handle certainly a time when $19 / month would have been too much for me, so I know not EVERYONE can afford even that).

So, the bottom line is, if you can pay at affordable fee, or you're an agency that handles clients, you should at least give the trial a freet run, to see if it will help you or not.

Instead of listing all the benefits of the tools, I think it's best to just have you check out a couple of videos that explain it really well in a short time frame. Then, I'll tell you about the one thing that really bugged me about the tools.

The biggest issue I had with the tools was trying to figure out how to create reports.Yes, the tools comes with a report wizard, so how hard could it be? Well, it's not hard, but it's not all that obvious either. See, if you don 't know what kind of reports you CAN create, you don' t know where to start. For instance, pretty much the first thing you see when you go to create a new report is a form field wanting you to name this report. Um…OK…UM…I got stuck right there. I was wishing for a dropdown or multiple choice selection of some recommended basic reports. Since I had no idea what types of reports I could * create, I had no idea what to name the report.

The solution of course is to RTFM. Once I read the manual (which is 101 pages long), and watched a video on creating reports, I had a better idea where to start. I'm * still * not 100% sure that I know everything that might be possible with reports though, so I think this is an area that could use some improvement. I should note that I did attempt to use the contextual help for this, but it didn't do me any good - for this particular issue. The contextual help is great to have though for most of the other tasks.

As you can see from the screenshots below there's a little HELP icon next to the menus, and depending upon which section of the tools you're currently using clicking that icon will reveal help notes for the very task you're working on. Unfortunately, that contextual help didn't solve my "What Reports Should I Make?" dilemma, so perhaps that's a good place to throw in some extra help for reports. Sure, the contextual help for reports "existed", but it didn't give me any additional clues as to the types of reports I might be able to create.

Other than that one issue I had with sitting there with a dazed look on my face and saying, "ummmm…" to the report name question, I can certainly see huge amounts of value in using these tools.But again, I have to reiterate…you need to be willing to take action on the things you discover. Merely running reports and gathering information won't do a darned thing for your site. Acting upon the information is vital. Seems obvious, I know, but it's an important point that I think a lot of people tend to ignore when using tools.Anyway, there's nothing lost a run by giving the free trial and since you've made it all the way through this review, I have a surprise for you.

I'm giving I've given away a 6 months free trial for Raven tools. The normal free trial is only for 30 days, but if you tweet about this post, I'll enter you in a drawing. One winner on October 15, 2010, will receive received a 6 month free trial.Here are the rules:

UPDATE: Lea de Groot won this giveaway. It's over now, so please don't enter.

1. Tweet a link to this post and use the hashtag # DDraven.So like a tweet "@ DonnaFontenot is giving away (one 1) 6-month free trial for Raven tools."Get in on it!" # DDraven"

2. Come back here to this post and comment.Put a link to your tweet in the comment, making sure that you supply a real email address in the comment form where it asks for that.(Do not of put your email address in the comment itself).On Friday, I'll draw a name from those who tweeted and that person will win.I'll email you with instructions to get your special 6 month trial.

For those of you that are wondering, that link at the beginning of the post is NOT an affiliate link.I do, however, have an affiliate link, if you prefer to let me get some credit for referring you over.[big grin]So, the link in the first sentence of this post is NOT to affiliate link.The link in the second-to-last sentence of this post IS an affiliate link this is my aff link.Use whichever one you prefer.


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Online-shops - 5 common mistakes that kill your company can

Posted by Trent Brownrigg · October 5, 2010

So, you have just opened the figurative doors to your online store and you are to wait for the money to services.when roles all have great products, it is so only their wallets, right start flinging open a matter of time until customers?

Unfortunately it is not so easy.

If you do one of the following 5 errors, your online business may never get off the ground:

Do what you want instead of what will your target audience

Your target market alles.Sie is have to address your needs, desires and questions over the Internet. If you get caught up in what you instead of whatever your target group, may, will never succeed in your business.

Annoying visitors with too much flash

Want to secure, catch people's attention, but unless you sell used Pinto's skip the bright red letters and flashing graphics.You don't want to miss, profits because people find offensive your site.

There are many E-commerce templates out there that can help you design your layout.Stick to the basics - prices, product descriptions, product photos, related items and your online Warenkorb.vermeiden templates, too much to offer, or otherwise be switch off people, you.

After too many categories

Unless, selling millions of items, keep the categories on a Minimum.Nachdem too many categories can be overwhelming sein.Beispielsweise instead of "white baseball caps", "black baseball caps" and "Gray baseball caps", only a category - "Baseball Caps".

After a checkout process, the only rocket scientists can be decrypted

When people give your hard-earned money are, make it easy on Sie.Wenn you too many questions or by too many checkout pages, are all buying you rather too frustrated and just scrap.

To expecting customers domain names to remember long

If you want that return business, avoid domain names as "".If not remember the name of your Web site customers, you cannot come back and spend more money!

Guest post by Kirsty LaVier - editor for shopping cart reviews the leading shopping cart information site.

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Do you have online money making mindset?

Posted by Trent Brownrigg · August 5, 2010

There is a certain mentality, needed for a living online. It can make the difference between very successful and wasting your time and money for a while before the end finally be. It is not easy to make online big money and anyone who tells you differently is flat out lying to you!Therefore you need to know really deep in themselves, you never no matter what be place need a burning desire to be successful at any price.

Too many people think that making money online easy or you go to buy to get rich just by signing up for some program or an eBook. I can't blame you really most of the time, because it is, what you're led to believe by shady marketers and flat out Betrüger.Aber the truth is the complete actually it is very difficult to earn a living online!

Sure, a little money without much effort can earn. But if you are looking to actually create a full time income on the Internet then you better be ready, learn a lot a lot of hard work and spend much time before to get you there. With some money to invest in your online business is very helpful as well.If it were easy then everyone would be doing it, and nobody would no money problems the world haben.Leider doesn't work that way.So, not go into quickly or simply with the attitude of the first rich.It will not happen!

What really matters is your mindset money verdienen.Wenn you really believe you will succeed and are more than ready in time and effort, and all errors get up, you will be able themselves to earn online.Wissen, that you work hard, to get, but done kann.Nichts can stop when fully you believe in yourself and never give up!

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Laptop Lifestyle - How to Quit Your Job and Make a Good Living on the Internet (Volume 1 - Quick Start Guide to Making Money Online)

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Making money online is quick and easy (if you know how to do it) and I can show you exactly what you need to do.

Christopher King is former musician turned online marketer. He splits his time between Toronto, Canada and Key West, Florida. He can be reached online at

Price: $9.95

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Water - what we can do to bring it to everyone

Let's start with a few figures:

1. 3.6 Million people die each year because you clean drinking water.
2. 4,000 Children under 5 die every day from preventable water-borne diseases.
3. 1 Billion people have no access to clean, safe Wasser.Das is 1 in 8 of us.
4. $25 can provide a person with water – for life.

If you're like me, life in a place where are these statistics only numbers to shock you for a moment. You life with this reality, every day of your life.

Do millions.

Each one of us can help.

No, you have to spend a single penny anyway spent talk would nicht.Let's about, a little.

Each bottle of water you purchase costs money, you have to pay the nicht.Ein should one-third of all bottled water is sold in the United States the exact same water as the water coming from your tap. And yet, gets placed in a bottle up to several hundred percent and sold to us marked.I go even to the environmental aspects which everything, what from plastic or tons oil needed to produce these bottles. These are questions, for an other Tag.Mein point here is simple:

Set instead of paying for bottled water that is exactly the same water from your tap in many cases, that the money aside to help communities to drink water, not to have.Here are just two simple inventions, we help fund the millions of people who die each Year…don don't ensure.

Just imagine: play merry go rounds, equipped with simple taps clean pump water in tanks to communities with water supply by children.This is what can do a play pump.

Now check out this interesting National Geographic video to play pump water systems

If play pumped is not handy, here is an invention that kann.Der be always useful roller Hippo helps women and children carry the water the you transport now much easier and much faster could take hours.Instead of carrying water on their heads or back in small quantities and with much pain, you can water simply quickly and easily - and in larger quantities roles.Check out the video, what impact this may have.

There are more inventions like this, you can help fund.Find for you, meaning macht.Dann instead of these 10 bottles to buy water, specify someone specify with 10 years water instead is richtig.Es needs much of our money to that tun.Und all we have to do is throw stop away on ridiculous bottled Wasser.Wie we can not our money?

Find a way to support the efforts to safe, clean water to everyone to bringen.Es a Menschenrecht.Lassen is us make sure that everyone gets the right.

Either at the play pump or roller Hippo donations or donations in

I know for some of us, a donation not only possible is that in Ordnung.Es are other ways than also contribute can start efforts to clean by signing the petition to support the United Nations, safe water for millions to bringen.Klicken below, the tun.Und then others say blog post and the blog action day 2010 about this-initiative.

This will cost you a cent, but it can save someone's life.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

To make life easier with online accounting software

This is a guest post by James Hampton.

Accounts can be a real problem for companies, but there is a solution on the market - online accounting software.There is an issue, but how safe it is to do accounts on line? well, the evidence in fact very sure beats.By online doing accounts there is less risk of things that wrong crashes as computer and lose information, laptop, stolen or destroyed, and most importantly it no longer need is to make manual backup accounts how online accounting software automatically regularly backs up and stores the information on highly secure servers.

Flexibility is the main advantage of online accounting software - login accounts from any computer, any part of the world and at any time of the day or the Nacht.Diese contemporary kind of accounting software is so very different from the more traditional Sage and QuickBooks software, but there are real benefits to small and medium-sized Unternehmen.Einige accounting software vendors offer a subscription package, so there is no need, online accounting for almost all companies make available large amounts of capital to verbringen.Dies.

What is actually happening in the world of online accounting software that with an important development in Web-based technologies, software designers and developers the power of the Internet for the benefit of the companies are use by providing accounting software, the:

is more efficient than more traditional accounts Packagesis that is completely flexible and accessible Effectiveand costs.

There are also other benefits - online accounting software can companies trade allow selecting accounting software of this type at a rapid rate rising in many countries to invoice and transactions in various currencies together with able, to share information with offices in other areas, and there is evidence that it is good for businesses today.Companies, with online accounting software have commented that decided to more traditional desktop packages due to the risk of fire or theft secrets and, in particular to change because unsure about in-house back-up methods were. for small business accounting software, you backed up the secure automatically on servers in multiple locations once more the need to spend capital on in-house IT solutions.

If you consider financial processes to streamline online accounting software that gives it a couple of things to help a package select for you arbeiten.Betrachten you accounting software, the:

monthly Subscriptionoffers provides secure storage of information encrypted and secured Upautomatically upgrades regularly, so you don't have to download program of Upgradesallows for several access from multiple Locationsand more importantly, the ability to access levels for different employees has set

Also looking for accounting software, which is flexible to your needs, comes with jargon free procedure and has the support of excellent support Team.Online accounting software is a new phenomenon for small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs and one of the most important considerations for the selection of such accounting software now is to reduce the risk of lag.

James Hampton has moved worked as an accountant for a number of years, the packages but more recently using traditional accounting Software for online accounting flexibility and security for the modern business.

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eBay Secrets! How to Really Make a Full-Time Living on eBay

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Be prepared for down times

To happen in business downtime. Regardless of the reason you pass. Perhaps your sites are seasonal. Perhaps your niche offers an amount that is more active during certain times of the year. Your income of economic changes may be affected. Maybe your great search engine rankings disappear. Much of the reason but can cause a downtime, matters less than reality.Down times passieren.Seien ready for you.

Aside their best to put a portion of your income as often as possible, so that you can leave the money socked way have if the time getroffen.Meine is a rule of thumb down 2-3 months worth of Bill money should be available at all times. I have had times when I don't have much available and the resulting tension is difficult to treat.

I know that every summer is a time for me and some summers more down than other sind.Ich try to ensure that I've got covered summer.Obviously, sometimes force out-of-the ordinary expenses, in your down time Fund diving and a rough patch it mean when it happens trifft.Wenn happening, but can avoid having to use your savings down-time for some other reason, I recommend it.

There is not much else to say about this Thema.Es is pretty easy, but I think it bears mention once in a while as a reminder...

Down times Happen.Sein prepared.

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Kajabi - NICE having the right mindset to make money online

Written by George Manty · October 8, 2010

Have you seen the video for the Kajabi marketing software came out earlier this week?

I have been waiting for months to see what was Kajabi and so far it looks pretty cool to me.After I video, I decided to your affiliate program join, so that the links in this post are my affiliate links.

Anyway, the deleted just a really good eBook about some of the roadblocks many of us face when you try money online to earn.Click here to download the free report.

When reading done let you it me know which the roadblocks they have prevented, making money online.

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Why I still love network marketing

Posted by Trent Brownrigg · September 10, 2010

When I started my online business in 2003 it was with a network marketing company.At the moment I knew nothing about Internet marketing or network marketing, but helped my sponsor in the company I would probably quit me along until I had it for me herausfand.Sie for you have after a few months, as most people do.

As well, I joined several other network marketing programs in the first years of the building my business.Some were large, some good and some flat from sucked wurden.Einige lasted not long, and some are still around today. I did really well in a couple of you and not very good at others and how much effort I put into promoting it depending on how well the program has been set up.

There are many bad apples out there, but for the most part of network marketing is a solid and way to start your own business.You can earn an incredible life out of it, if you do it right. But for some reason as I now better and better with Internet marketing and my online business has been successful, lost I away from Network Marketing.Ich kept mostly promoting programs I was in and stop new accession.There were times when people not to get empfohlen.Ich thinking in network marketing for various reasons, you could say I forgot where I come from.

Now, it has been over 7 years, since I joined the first opportunity that started everything. My online business incredibly well for a long time did time and owe alot of my success I some of these network marketing opportunities that I so long ago, especially the first joined.

Are you questions maybe why suddenly all of that I once again love, network marketing?The reason is simple...

I sat back before recently to take a long look at my successes and failures in my business up to this point and I take it would re-evaluate direction.When I did that I realized that I still each month was paid by network marketing programs, I joined my Internet business the back in the early days, although I all but forgotten about you had of course I knew always money each month come, but I didn't really notice about where it came more.

I'm still a member that I began very first opportunity, and have been paid by you every month since I earned my first payment almost 7 years ago.And this is not the only one I by monthly paid for work I few years ago habe.Das is what you call true residual income!

Not to mention the fact I have many friends of some of these programs made, which I have bleiben.Ich in touch to this day a partnership even up with some of you to other companies in the years since we met.

Network marketing often has a negative association attached to it, that many people run away once you start that makes talking about.And in some cases there is good reason dafür.Es can however also large and very positiv.Sie can earn with the right opportunity and honest effort in turn to meet a lot of money and a lot of people.

What I am trying to say, not so many words to basically, the open, however, have about network marketing and not write it before there is even a chance are geben.Es many great options out there and making a residual income is definitely a real possibility.

Dedicated to their success.
Trent Brownrigg

PS-If you know the network marketing opportunity that I recommend highly now want to and I love more than any other ever seen, you can find here...Get paid to travel! it is evaluated the only program I joined in a long time, but I it from every angle and came to the conclusion I get immediately,

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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An easily avoidable Internet marketing mistakes

Posted by Trent Brownrigg · September 28, 2010

There are countless mistakes every new Internet marketers can do and many do.One of them is however very common and probably the most easily preventable aller.Diese a simple thing can be done, very negative consequences can down the road the day your online business to start and it failed.

So what is this common mistake?

It manages not to register your own name as a domain name.

My name is e.g. Trent Brownrigg, so I forever registered long ago I would have to control it and it. But actually I made the mistake until a few years after I my to do business.I should have done much earlier.

Even if you use not project the domain for anything, you should still have it. You can keep it parked, forward it to another location you throw a page on it and link to your other websites or do whatever you with him Wünschen.Dass part really doesn't matter. What matters is that you yourself.

Even if you are a novice and don't think that someone would want your name as a domain name, so you think you can keep up and not register it Später.Warten! You should still go to register now.

You never know who might you consider an Internet marketing expert and type it in provided that it is the domain you or decide to register it yourself if you notice it is available.You never know if you all could get suddenly "Guru" status, from the and then everyone tries to use your name.If the domain is available someone else will register it.Or worse, you could take your competitors register it and use it to tarnish your reputation by pretending to be.

Just the other day I happened to notice that a very well known Internet marketers had its own name as a domain.Why he has now registered a mystery isn't me.He wissen.So should it registered I lucky me. for him, I very well know him by chance, and will it in his failure to erinnern.Wenn he wants it to I give it ihm.Aber you might not be so lucky when the same thing happens!

Anyway, you do not this easily avoidable Internet marketing Fehler.Gehen now registrieren.Bei domain at least get the .com version because it is the most important to %s.keeping is probably smart to get the .NET .org, and everyone else your name but are less critical to have.

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A good way to your site market research: guest blogging

Posted by Trent Brownrigg · July 12, 2010

One of the absolute best ways to market your website and increase your search engine rankings is by guest blogging.You get every time you get to published a guest post quality backlinks to help push your site to the search engines, targeted traffic directly from the post itself. in addition to which, turning it into a form of networking with other bloggers in your niche that will help tremendously, feet create a name for yourself and your in the door for future partnerships to get.

There are many Internet marketers, the incredibly successful websites with high rankings much have built to transport, thousands of subscribers and large monthly earnings almost exclusively of guest blogging. It can really, that powerful when you be correct.

How to do it? Simple…

Search only blogs in the same niche as your (and similar niche) and check if you guest posts is akzeptieren.Oft it be obvious if you do, due to their guest blogging policies and how to send you the posts made a very visible link to a page. Other times are not so obvious it, so you might need to see whether you accept guest posts or contact the owner to questions when to dig. Make your message to show very personal, are sincere and actually checked out your blog before contacting you.If there a spammy message or obvious that you sent it in bulk, you certainly will get rejected.

A large percentage of bloggers accepted guest posts, if you you about it contact, even if you had not thought of it before or not obvious which make it do. You benefit free of charge, no money for it, you accept original content without any work to do or expenditure.But many reason, you do not appreciate seconds.If then just for taking the time and pull out so you can expect some rejection further.

If you blog for write find, then sure, very write quality posts, the owners are likely to publish and your visitors want to read.Very familiar with every single blog.Consider what kind of content you have to write, and their style so that you are sure to write something that fits well with your blog.Match the quality of their content or even to ensure you are up to their standards and set apart from other bloggers posts send also going.

Don't forget, proof check your post several times and set you send through a spelling/grammar checker before.The last thing to someone on your blog is that a contribution, full of errors, so that a safe way to your posts get rejected.

Other very important thing to remember is 100% original written content you only to you and not published anywhere else to senden.Dies is crucial to success with guest blogging! no one wants to become the contents that were sent to you copied or elsewhere posted can almost guarantee I that you check, so try not to glide either some of you.

Guest blogging market is great way to promote your website and both Parteien.Der benefit blog owner gets excellent content for free and get more exposure for your Website.Ich recommend use it as part of your Internet marketing strategy.

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Laptop Lifestyle - How to Quit Your Job and Make a Good Living on the Internet (Volume 4 - From Dream to Reality - The Online Success Planner and Workbook)

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By reading my Laptop Lifestyle books and answering the questions found within this workbook, you will be ready to start your new online business and earn the money you deserve.

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If you're ready to start making money online (and stop just talking about it!), this book is for you. Follow my Laptop Lifestyle process and it will work for you. It's both simple and easy.

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The Laptop Lifestyle is waiting! Let's go...

Christopher King is a former musician turned online marketer. He splits his time between Toronto, Canada and Key West, Florida. He can be reached online at

Price: $9.95

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